April 4th, 2024

Short Takes

Free OceanConnect App

Planning an ocean adventure around the Salish Sea? Check the latest conditions and forecasts using OceanConnect, a new web app launched in November 2023. For the Salish Sea waters that straddle British Columbia and Washington State, the free app gives ocean enthusiasts data on wind, waves, currents, and other ocean conditions. The app was created by developers and designers working with the Pacific branch of the Canadian Integrated Ocean Observing System—a collaboration between the Canadian government and several universities and nonprofits, including the Hakai Institute.

Honoring Impactful Tech

TulaSalud’s digital health platform was featured as a case study of innovative and impactful digital health projects in Dimagi’s Impact Delivery Playbook. You can learn more about the TulaSalud program here.

Science World Virtual Tour

On November 6, 2023, Science World hosted a virtual tour of the Marna Lab at the Quadra Island Ecological Observatory as part of its Future Science Leaders enrichment program for teens. Led by Jake Etzkorn, the tour highlighted the wet lab facilities, as well as Hakai Institute research and various past projects.

Hosting Ocean Scholars

The Hakai Institute is one of three partner organizations in the Centre of Excellence in Observational Oceanography, an international program providing interdisciplinary and hands-on courses in ocean observation for up to 10 scholars. The Ocean Frontier Institute at Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia, will be the primary host for the upcoming cohort; the Hakai Institute and the Ocean Decade Regional Collaborative Centre for the Northeast Pacific will host scholars in 2025 for experiential learning and science communication training. The Centre of Excellence in Observational Oceanography is an initiative of the Nippon Foundation and the Partnership for Observation of the Global Ocean

From My Coast to Yours

Share a coastal photo for Hakai Magazine’s new newsletter segment, “From My Coast to Yours.” Got a nice shot of a shoreline you love? A snap of a reef you snorkeled on vacation or a beach scene from the ferry lineup? Send Vanessa Minke-Martin, who spearheads the segment, your high-res pic, along with a few sentences about it—where you took it and what that spot means to you, or what you were doing there. Being funny or poignant is always nice, but not essential! Vanessa will do a light edit and Hakai Magazine will publish it in their weekly newsletter, which you can subscribe to here.

Short Takes

Kristina Blanchflower’s “From My Coast To Yours” submission was her photo of Cabo Pulmo, in Baja California Sur, Mexico.